Hugo Bootstrap framework for building modular themes and websites.
Minimal, automated and up to date Hugo Docker images.
Powerful, flexible and feature-rich fuzzy search module.
Process images via URL query string and fragment, friendly to Markdown.
Decap CMS (formerly Netlify CMS) module.
Make site offline available, installable and more.
Hooks system for building themes.
Bootstrap shortcodes.
Extended Hugo shortcodes.
SVG icons module that supports popular icons vendors.
Schema, Twitter Cards, Open Graph, JSON-LD and more.
Basic and useful partials and functions.
Other modules and tools.
GitHub Organization
Ask questions, share ideas or report issues and bugs.
Tutorials, news, releases and so on.
Help developers and users integrate Decap CMS (formerly Netlify CMS) with their themes and sites easilly.
Image by Freepik
Configure Decap CMS via Hugo configuration.
Ship with some default settings to simplify Decap CMS setup, such as media_folder, public_folder.
Allow inheriting configuration, to reuse and override properties for collections.
With defined interfaces and hooks, you can easilly create editor components, widgets, preview templates, modules and so on.
Allow registering preview styles by specifying external styles and adding custom SCSS files.
Detect languages settings automatically, and apply it on Decap CMS UI and collections.
Components to extend editor functionalities, such as to-do list.
Extended widgets to fit fields needs, such as URL.
Offer some useful built-in modules, such as Netlify Identity.
Support using image resources, public images or external images as Logo.